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Item Carcinosarcoma of The Rectum Presenting as an Intraabdominal Abscess(Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar Üniversitesi, 2013-04-04) Sekmen, Ümit, Bircan, HüseyinABSTRACT Carcinosarcoma is a very rare type of a tumor and tends to occur in the prox imal part of the digestive tract. We present an extremely rare case of a car cinosarcoma of the rectum with closed perforation and abscess formation. An 86 year-old woman was operated on with the diagnosis of intraabdom inal abscess and a low anterior resection and a Hartmann procedure was performed. Histopathological diagnosis of the tumor was carcinosarcoma. No adjuvant therapy was suggested by our oncology department because of the advanced age and comorbid cardiac and respiratory illnesses of the patient.Item Akut İnferior Miyokard İnfarktüsü ile Gelen Hastada Sağ Sinus Valsalvadan Köken Alan Dominant Sirkumfleks Arter Oklüzyonu ve Sağ Radial Arter Yoluyla Yapılan Başarılı Primer Perkütan Koroner Girişim(Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar Üniversitesi, 2013-04-04) DEğirmencioğlu, Aleks; Akyol, AhmetÖZET Primer perkütan koroner girişim ST elevasyonlu miyokard infarktüsünde ilk tercih edilen tedavi yöntemi olup son yıllarda bu işlemin radial arter yoluy la yapılması popülarite kazanmıştır. Bununla birlikte, özellikle anatomik anormallikler varlığında radial yaklaşım bazen zor olabilmektedir. Bu ya zıda akut miyokard infarktüsü ile başvuran ve koroner anomalisi olmasına rağmen radial yoldan başarılı primer perkütan koroner girişim yapılan bir hasta sunulmuştur.Item Two Cases of Rare and Life Threatening Masticator Space Abscess(Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar Üniversitesi, 2013-04-04) Kayabaşoğlu, Gürkan; Tanyeri, Hasan; Çakmak, ÖzcanABSTRACT The masticator space is a deep facial space which is centered on the mandib ular ramus and outlined by the superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia. A masticator space abscess commonly represents an advanced stage of an odontogenic infection indicated by facial pain, swelling and trismus. Mas ticator space abscess may have a life threatening prognosis if they are not diagnosed and treated properly. They are very rarely seen and published in fections in the literature, which make their diagnosis more important. Due to difficulty of physical examination of the region, the value of computed tomography or magnetic resonance investigation on diagnosis of mastica tor space abscess is important. This report describes two cases of masticator abscess who came to the clinic with trismus and facial pain complaints and both were surgically drained and postoperatively administered with anti bioticsItem Two Cases of Rare and Life Threatening Masticator Space Abscess(Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar Üniversitesi, 2013-04-04) Kayabaşoğlu, Gürkan; Tanyeri, Hasan; Çakmak, ÖzcanABSTRACT The masticator space is a deep facial space which is centered on the mandib ular ramus and outlined by the superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia. A masticator space abscess commonly represents an advanced stage of an odontogenic infection indicated by facial pain, swelling and trismus. Mas ticator space abscess may have a life threatening prognosis if they are not diagnosed and treated properly. They are very rarely seen and published in fections in the literature, which make their diagnosis more important. Due to difficulty of physical examination of the region, the value of computed tomography or magnetic resonance investigation on diagnosis of mastica tor space abscess is important. This report describes two cases of masticator abscess who came to the clinic with trismus and facial pain complaints and both were surgically drained and postoperatively administered with anti biotics.Item 73 yaşında Kadın Hastada Ateroklerotik Kalp Hastalığına Eşlik Eden Cor Triatriatum Sinister(Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar Üniversitesi, 2013-04-04) Mavioğlu, Levent; Mungan, Ufuk; Özeke, Özcan; Ertan, Çağatay; Özatik, Mehmet AliÖZET Cor triatriatum sinister oldukça nadir görülen bir konjenital kalp hastalığı olup sol atriumun, fibromüsküler membran ile iki faklı bölmeye ayrılması ile karakterizedir. İlk olarak 1868’de Church tarafından rapor edilmiştir (1). Oldukça nadir olarak gözlenen bu kardiyak anomalinin insidansı pediatrik yaş grubunda %0.1-0.4’tür. Erişkinlerde çok daha nadir olarak görülmekte olan cor triatriatumun tanısı ise sıklıkla rastantısal olarak konulmaktadır (2). Klasik olarak, hastalara neonatal dönemde veya erken infant dönemin de tanı konulsa da bazı vakalar erişkin döneme kadar saptanamayabilmek tedir. Vaka sunumumuzda, koroner arter hastalığı nedeniyle cerrahi plan lanan ve preoperatif incelemede rastlantısal olarak cor triatritum sinister saptanan 73 yaşındaki kadın hastadan bahsedilmiştir.