Narter, K. FehmiOzveren, Bora2023-02-212023-02-212018-01-0110.4274/uob.962 renal cell cancer is a malignant disease and its treatment has been not been described clearly yet. These patients are generally symptomatic and resistant to current treatment modalities. Radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and hormonal therapy are not curative in many of these patients. A multimodal approach consisting of cytoreductive nephrectomy, systemic therapy (immunotherapy or targeted molecules), and metastasectomy has been shown to be hopeful in prolonging the survival and improving the quality of life in some of these patients. Patients with oligometastatic disease and good performance status have better results following this multimodal approach. Cytoreductive nephrectomy and adjuvant/neoadjuvant systemic therapies (immunotherapy, targeted therapy) have been investigated for treatment options of metastatic renal cancer patients. After better understanding of the genetic basis and the molecular biology of the renal cell carcinoma, targeted molecular therapies and immunotherapies have emerged as more efficient alternative therapy options with moderate adverse effects. Metastasectomy in some of these patients improves survival and quality of life, especially in those with lung and bone metastases. In this review we will summarize treatment options for metastatic renal cancer patients.Cytoreductive nephrectomyimmunotherapymetastasectomymetastatic renal cancertargeted molecular therapyMetastasis Targeted Therapies in Renal Cell CancerArticleWOS:000429834600007