Aydıngöz, İkbal EsenMansur, Ayşe Tülin2023-02-132023-02-132014-01-011309-470X1309-5994https://hdl.handle.net/11443/401ABSTRACT Aim: Lichen planus is a lymphocytic inflammatory disorder of unknown origin mediated by cellular immunity. The reports documenting contact hypersensitivity to certain antigens are increasing in number mainly in oral but also in cutaneous lichen planus as well. However, there are only a few studies questioning whether there is any alteration in contact hyper sensitivity response in this patient group due to T-cell mediated changes. Methods: The purpose of this study is to find out the prevalence of contact hypersensitivity to standard contact allergens in cutaneous lichen planus patients. In the present study 43 cutaneous lichen planus patients and 33 controls were patch tested by T.R.U.E test methodology. Resulst: A positive patch test reaction was found in 11.6% of the lichen planus patients while the control group showed a percentage of 30.3%. Statistically, the difference between the two groups was not significant (Fischer test p=0.07). Conclusions: This is the first study examining into the standard patch test positivity in cutaneous lichen planus patients the results showed no dif ference from the control.enHypersensitivity to Standard Contact Allergens in Patients With Cutaneous Lichen PlanusArticle