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    Reversal of Severe Vasospasm Causing Transradial Angiogram Catheter Entrapment by Low Dose Sedation
    (Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar Üniversitesi, 2015-04-01) Zencirci, Ertuğrul; Değirmencioğlu, Aleks; Karakul, Gültekin
    ABSTRACT One of the major disadvantages of the transradial approach during cardiac interventions is radial artery spasm. Severe vasospasm of the radial artery causing catheter entrapment is less frequently encountered and its man agement has rarely been reported. Herein, a 72-year-old female patient who was scheduled for an elective left heart catheterization due to exer tional angina pectoris is reported. During transradial diagnostic coronary angiography, catheter entrapment occurred due to severe vasospasm of the radial artery. Reversal of severe vasospasm and release of entrapped cath eter was not possible until low dose sedation with intravenous midazolam was given. This case report demonstrates that low dose sedation with intra venous midazolam could be used effectively to reverse resistant vasopasm of the radial artery during transradial interventions.