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    Case Report; Laparoscopy in the Management of Internal Herniation of Adnexa
    (Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar Üniversitesi, 2018-09-01) Takmaz, Özgüç; Özbaşlı, Esra; Güngör, Mete
    Abstract Broad ligament herniation is defined as protrusion of viscera through the pelvic peritoneum. It accounts 5% of internal hernias. We report, a 17 year-old woman presenting with a 5cm adnexal anechoic cyst and episodic pelvic pain who has no remarkable medical history. After 8 hours of follow-up, clinical picture persisted and evaluation with laparoscopy. It was noted that right adnexa with 5cm cyst was herniated through broad ligament intraoperatively. Ovarian cyst was excised and hernia was repaired laparoscopically. Clinical findings were resolved after surgery and patient discharged the day after surgery. In conclusion, adnexal hernia through broad ligament should be thought in differential diagnosis of female acute pelvic pain. Laparoscopy is an effective procedure for the diagnosis and treatment of adnexal hernia.Abstract Broad ligament herniation is defined as protrusion of viscera through the pelvic peritoneum. It accounts 5% of internal hernias. We report, a 17 year-old woman presenting with a 5cm adnexal anechoic cyst and episodic pelvic pain who has no remarkable medical history. After 8 hours of follow-up, clinical picture persisted and evaluation with laparoscopy. It was noted that right adnexa with 5cm cyst was herniated through broad ligament intraoperatively. Ovarian cyst was excised and hernia was repaired laparoscopically. Clinical findings were resolved after surgery and patient discharged the day after surgery. In conclusion, adnexal hernia through broad ligament should be thought in differential diagnosis of female acute pelvic pain. Laparoscopy is an effective procedure for the diagnosis and treatment of adnexal hernia.
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    Nadir Bir Olgu ve Hemşirelik Bakımı: Pulmoner Alveoler Proteinozis
    (Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar Üniversitesi, 2018-09-01) Güngör, Tuğba; Uslu, Yasemin
    ÖZET Pulmoner alveoler proteinozis (PAP), alveollerde lipoproteinoz materyal birikimi ile karakterize nadir görülen bir akciğer hastalığıdır. Hastalık ilk olarak 1958’de tanımlanmıştır. Literatüre 500 civarında olgu bildirilmiştir. En sık rastlanan semptomlar nefes darlığı, yorgunluk hissi ve kuru öksürüktür. Hastalığın konjenital, sekonder ve idiyopatik olmak üzere üç formu vardır. En sık %90 oranla idiyopatik formu görülmektedir. Hastalığın mortalitesi %10 civarındadır. Kronik bir hastalık grubuna giren pulmoner alveoler proteinozis, kişinin günlük yaşam aktivitelerinde değişikliği yol açabilmektedir. Takip ve tedavisi sırasında hemşirelik bakım uygulamaları ve hasta eğitimi önemli yer tutmaktadır. Hastalık uzun yıllar tedavi gerektirdiğinden tedavi ve bakımda profesyonel ekip birlikteliği önemli yer tutmaktadır. Hemşirenin rolleri olan tedavi, bakım ve eğitim verme bu hastalıkta önemli bir yer tutar. Bu açıdan bu vaka literatür için önemlidir.
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    Does the Screw Orientation Effects the Stability of Femoral Neck Fracture?: A Finite Element Analysis
    (Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar Üniversitesi, 2018-09-01) Özkunt, Okan; Sarıyılmaz, Kerim; Akgül, Turgut; Polat, Gökhan; Dikici, Fatih
    ABSTRACT Objectives: The incidence of femoral neck fractures in younger-age people increases due to high-energy trauma. To avoid complications, stable internal fixation is essential. The most commonly used implants for vertically oriented femoral neck fractures are the cannulated and dynamic hip screws. In our study, we compared differently oriented cannulated screw configurations and a standard DHS for fixation of femoral neck fracture. Materials and Methods: A finite element-based collum femoris fracture was created and was fixed using four differently oriented triangular screw configurations and a dynamic hip screw. The loads were applied using a commercially available software package. Results: Centrally oriented cannulated screw configuration had the most compression and compression stress on the fracture side, and it had the highest stress values on the implant. Conclusion: We recommend the use of centrally oriented triangular cannulated screws for femoral neck fracture fixation. With this construct, more compression and compression pressure can be obtained, which can result in the early healing of the fracture. However, it must be kept in mind that this construct exerts more stress on the implant, which could be a reason for implant failure.