Adolescent pregnancies and perinatal outcomes: a study at tertiary hospital at the eastern part of Turkey


Objective: The authors evaluate the clinical features and obstetric outcomes of the adolescent pregnancies at the eastern part of Turkey. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective study included 550 adolescent pregnant women aged less than 19 years who were followed up and gave birth at Elazig Research and Training Hospital between 2010 and 2013. Results: The 550 pregnant had a mean age of 18 +/- 1.13 (13-19) years, a mean gravidity of 1.19 +/- 0.57 (1-10), a mean parity of 0.15 +/- 0.39 (0-2), and an average number of abortions of 0.03 +/- 0.17 (0-1). Of the 550, 369 (67.1\%) had a spontaneous vaginal delivery (SVD), 179 (32.5\%) had a cesarean delivery, and two (0.4\%) had an abortion. Of the 550, 539 (98\%) had a tenn delivery and 11(2\%) had a preterm delivery at mean gestational week of 31 +/- 2.4 (range, 27-34). No obstetric or postpartum complication occurred in 90.4\% (n=497) of the patients. The most common obstetric complication was intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) (n=28
5.1\%) and the most common postpartum complication was deep vaginal laceration (n=11
2\%). Conclusion: Although there is no marked difference between adolescent and adult pregnant women in tenns of perinatal problems, adolescent pregnancies should always be regarded as risky pregnancies and these issues should be kept in mind in the management of adolescent pregnancies.



Adolescent, Pregnancy, Perinatal outcomes





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