Oral tadalafil reduces intra-abdominal adhesion reformation in rats


Currently, there is no ideal agent to prevent adhesion formation. We have shown that sildenafil, a phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitor, reduces post-operative adhesion formation by vasodilatation and increases fibrinolytic activity. Here, we evaluated whether tadalafil, a long-acting PDE-5 inhibitor, decreases post-operative adhesion reformation in rats. Standardized lesions were created in Wistar albino rats by cauterization of uterine horns and abrasion of adjacent peritonium. The extent and severity of adhesions were scored on the 14th post-operative day and adhesiolysis was performed at the second laparotomy. Animals were then assigned randomly into two groups. The study group (n 11) received 10 mg/kg oral tadalafil by gavage 60 min before the second laparotomy and daily for 14 days afterwards. Controls (n 11) received the same volume of tap water for 14 days by gavage. Animals were killed 15 days after adhesiolysis and adhesions were scored blind during the third laparotomy. Basal adhesion scores at the time of the second laparotomy were comparable in the study and control groups. Scores for the extent of adhesion reformation in the study and control groups did not differ {[}median 1 (range 03) versus median 2 (range 13)
P: 0.81] but tadalafil reduced the respective severity scores {[}median 0.5 (range 01) versus median 1 (range 0.51)
P: 0.02] and total scores {[}median 2 (range 04) versus median 2.5 (range 1.54)
P: 0.042]. Oral administration of tadalafil during the perioperative period reduces intra-abdominal adhesion reformation in rats.



adhesion reformation, tadalafil, rat, phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor, post-operative adhesions





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