The Manchester procedure combined with laparoscopic sacrohysteropexy by retroperitoneal tunneling


This video will demonstrate a minimally invasive technique, in which the Manchester procedure was combined with laparoscopic sacrohysteropexy by retroperitoneal tunneling in patients with uterine prolapse and cervical elongation who wished to preserve the uterus. The principle steps and techniques to complete the operation are dictated in the video. The prolapse surgery was performed uneventfully, and the uterus was restored to its anatomical position. During the two years of follow-up, there were no complications from the prolapse or mesh-related events. No prolapse recurrence was observed. This technique facilitates uterine-sparing surgery, results in less bleeding and shorter operative time, and we believe that it may reduce the recurrence of prolapse due to the elongation of the cervix. (J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc 2022
23: 219-21)



Cervical elongation, Manchester procedure, sacrohysteropexy





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