Acıbadem University, School of Medicine, ‘Clinical Medicine and Professional Skills’ Program: Qualitative Evaluation of Medical Professionalism Outcomes
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Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar Üniversitesi
Purpose: Changing healthcare needs of the modern society in epidemiolog ical transition created the necessity to embed the professionalism context
into medical education.Undergraduate medical education programs now
adopt new approaches including different educational strategies, teach ing and learning techniques as well as redefined competence areas for
medical professionalism; for example, communicational skills, attitudinal
and ethical issues, teamwork, evidence based practice, early exposure to
clinical and ethical reasoning, preparation for practice can be mentioned.
These new trends in medical education are believed to benefit good medi cal practice and a person centered approach of future medical professionals,
thus increasing quality of care. At Acıbadem University School of Medicine
the medical education curriculum is structured according to the new per spectives of medical education principles and a new pre-clinical profes sionality program which is called Clinical Medicine and Professional Skills
(CMPS). The CMPS program is providing the students a broad understand ing of professionalism, ethics, communication and clinical skills, and some
basic procedural skills before attending the clerkship years. At the end of
the 2011-2012 academic year, the first three years of the CMPS program
were completed and the students passed to the second phase (clerkship
period). This study aims to describe the perception of students and teachers
at ACUMS about professionalism outcomes of the program.
Patients and Methods: This is a qualitative study using phenomenological
research strategy with a face-to-face interview data collection method.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that early exposure to profes sionalism domains in under graduate medical education creates a high level
of professional self-awareness going along with corresponding expecta tions from the forth following medical education infrastructure in students.
They have high levels of expectations from the medical curriculum in the
clinical phase, the training sites and infrastructure. They also expect their
clinical teachers to be “good professional role models and good teachers”.