Grey zones in the diagnosis of adult migraine without aura based on the International Classification of Headache Disorders-III beta: Exploring the covariates of possible migraine without aura

dc.contributor.authorOzge, Aynur
dc.contributor.authorAydinlar, Elif
dc.contributor.authorTasdelen, Bahar
dc.description.abstractBACKGROUND: Exploring clinical characteristics and migraine covariates may be useful in the diagnosis of migraine without aura. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the diagnostic value of the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD)-III beta-based diagnosis of migraine without aura
dc.description.abstractto explore the covariates of possible migraine without aura using an analysis of grey zones in this area
dc.description.abstractand, finally, to make suggestions for the final version of the ICHD-III. METHODS: A total of 1365 patients (mean {[}+/- SD] age 38.5 +/- 10.4 years, 82.8\% female) diagnosed with migraine without aura according to the criteria of the ICHD-III beta were included in the present tertiary care-based retrospective study. Patients meeting all of the criteria of the ICHD-III beta were classified as having full migraine without aura, while those who did not meet one, two or >= 3 of the diagnostic criteria were classified as zones I, II and III, respectively. The diagnostic value of the clinical characteristics and covariates of migraine were determined. RESULTS: Full migraine without aura was evident in 25.7\% of the migraineurs. A higher likelihood of zone I classification was shown for an attack lasting 4 h to 72 h (OR 1.560
dc.description.abstractP=0.002), with pulsating quality (OR 4.096
dc.description.abstractP<0.001), concomitant nausea/vomiting (OR 2.300
dc.description.abstractP<0.001) and photophobia/ phonophobia (OR 4.865
dc.description.abstractP<0.001). The first-rank determinants for full migraine without aura were sleep irregularities (OR 1.596
dc.description.abstractP=0.005) and periodic vomiting (OR 1.464
dc.description.abstractP=0.026). However, even if not mentioned in ICHD-III beta, the authors determined that motion sickness, abdominal pain or infantile colic attacks in childhood, associated dizziness and osmophobia have important diagnostic value. CONCLUSIONS: In cases that do not fulfill all of the diagnostic criteria although they are largely consistent with the characteristics of migraine in clinical terms, the authors believe that a history of infantile colic
dc.description.abstractperiodic vomiting (but not periodic vomiting syndrome)
dc.description.abstractrecurrent abdominal pain
dc.description.abstractthe presence of motion sickness or vertigo, dizziness or osmophobia accompanying the pain
dc.description.abstractand comorbid atopic disorder are characteristics that should to be discussed and considered as additional diagnostic criteria (covariates) in the preparation of the final version of ICHD-III.
dc.publisherHINDAWI LTD
dc.relation.ispartofPAIN RESEARCH \& MANAGEMENT
dc.subjectDiagnostic criteria
dc.subjectGrey zones
dc.subjectMigraine without aura
dc.titleGrey zones in the diagnosis of adult migraine without aura based on the International Classification of Headache Disorders-III beta: Exploring the covariates of possible migraine without aura


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