A hybrid therapy as a third approach for type 1 proximal endoleak of thoracic endovascular aortic replacement: Caroticocarotid bypass and re-redo endovascular therapy

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Introduction: In selected cases with thoracic aortic aneurysm (TAA), thoracic endovascular aortic replacement (TEVAR) is commonly used and shall be proper therapy method. We are presenting a case of TAA previously treated twice by endovascular aortic approaches and complicated by type 1 endoleak. Case: A 67-year-old male patient was admitted to our clinic with back pain at rest. He underwent TEVAR five years ago, twice in 6 month. With contrasted computed tomography of chest and abdomen, a new type 1 proximal endoleak was diagnosed, and after routine preoperative follow up, the patient was operated on. At the same session right to left caroticocarotid bypass and re-redo TEVAR were performed. The new endovascular graft was placed as the proximal landing zone to be set between left carotid artery and brachiocephalic truncus. The patient was discharged on postoperative day 4 without any problems. Conclusion: As new techniques and methods have been developed, mortality rates have decreased to 2-3\% but in older and high risk patients, mortality rates still remain high {[}1]. TEVAR is a safe and effective treatment method in the proper and selected patients with thoracic artery aneurysm {[}2]. Moreover, TEVAR can also be performed as a part of hybrid procedures for arcus aortic aneurysms {[}3]. But it should be kept in mind that late secondary intervention rates are higher in TEVAR. (C) 2013 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.



Endovascular procedures, Aortic aneurysm, Endoleak





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