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Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11443/323


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    Is Early Surgical Treatment of Crohn’s Disease Harmful or Beneficial in Children?
    (Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar Üniversitesi, 2016-01-01) Çevik, Muazez; Baca, Bilgi
    ABSTRACT Objectives: Crohn’s disease is an increasingly common health problem in children. If untreated or treated inappropriately, it eventually results in complications. This report presents a case of suspected Crohn’s disease with inflammation of the pelvic region with a review of the literature. Case: An 11-year-old female was suspected of having Crohn’s disease, but laboratory tests and biopsy by endoscopy failed to confirm the diagnosis. She had intra-abdominal inflammation, an enteroenteric fistula, and an abscess that did not resolve despite antibiotic treatment for 1.5 months. She was referred to us for diagnosis. We performed surgery with a provisional diagnosis of Crohn’s disease; the pathology was consistent with Crohn’s disease. Conclusion: Surgery is indicated for the therapy and diagnosis of Crohn’s disease under certain conditions. The treatment of Crohn’s disease requires a multidisciplinary team
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    Unilateral Hypoglossus Nerve Palsy Following Intubation
    (Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar Üniversitesi, 2016-01-01) Güvenç, M. Güven; Özata, A. Sanem; Şengül, Türker; Şener, Sibel
    ABSTRACT Some neurological diseases, malignant tumors, trauma and surgery might cause hypoglossal nerve palsy. However XIIth nerve palsy following intubation is unusual. A 40 year-old woman underwent surgery for nasal and right phalangeal fractures. The patient had a left hypoglossal nerve palsy which was detected on the first postoperative day. Her neurological and otorhinolaryngological evaluation showed no other pathology. The palsy resolved completely in the 6th postoperative week. Post-intubation hypoglossal nerve palsy is very rare. Appropriate cuff pressure, uneventful oro-tracheal intubation, and avoiding malpositioning of the head during surgery are of considerable importance in avoiding this complication. A meticulous neurologic and otorhinolaryngologic evaluation and follow-up of these patients is critical. The majority of cases recover without sequela.