Olgu Sunumları

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    Wernicke Ensefalopatisi ve Miller-Fisher Sendromunun Olgu Bağlamında Ayırıcı Tanı İncelikleri
    (Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar Üniversitesi, 2013-10-01) Çitçi Yalçınkaya, Beyza; Karlıkaya, Geysu
    ÖZET Wernicke ensefalopatisi (WE), 1881 yılından beri bilinen mortalitesi ve morbiditesi yüksek, tedavisi mümkün nörolojik bir hastalıktır. Hastalığın klinik triadı konfüzyon, ataksi, oftalmoparezi olmakla birlikte derin tendon reflekslerinde azalma, arefleksi ve kas güçsüzlüğü de ek klinik bulgular ola rak bildirilmiştir. Miller Fisher sendromunun klasik triadı ise ataksi, oftal moparezi, arefleksidir ve benzer klinik bulguları içeren bu iki klinik tanının karıştırıldığına dair literatür dikkat çekicidir. Bu yazıda, başlangıçta Miller Fisher Sendromu düşünülüp daha sonra Wernicke Ensefalopatisi teşhisi ko nan olgu eşliğinde klinik yanılsama durumu tartışılmıştır
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    Comment On Dermoscopic Features of Seborrheic Keratoses Following Cryotherapy
    (Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar Üniversitesi, 2013-10) Aydıngöz, İkbal Esen; Mansur, Ayşe Tülin
    ABSTRACT Seborrheic keratosis (SK) is the most common benign tumor in older indi viduals. Freezing with liquid nitrogen has been widely used as a method of treatment. In one of our patients treated with cryotherapy, follow-up der moscopical image of the lesion raised a concern for regressing malignant lesion in the post treatment period. Information on the dermoscopy of SK treated with cryotherapy was not available. Consequently, we gathered and retrospectively analysed the pictures taken during healing periods of four SK without choosing a specific type. Besides dermoscopic structures specific for SK, coarse and fine gray granules arranged in a linear or annular pattern were also noted. These features have been reported in various malignant tumors before. Most of the time, clinical diagnosis of SK is not an issue; although rarely though rare malignant transformation of SK has been re ported. Furthermore, SK may be found with another malignant condition as a collision tumor. Consequently, we think all the dermoscopic features presented are compatible with cryotherapy induced lichenoid keratosis like lesions. As a conclusion, it is important to know and document the dermo scopic findings that occur in the post-cryotherapy healing period to prevent an impression of misdiagnosis or inadequeate therapy.