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    Management of a Neonate with a Rare Congenital Palatosubglossal Synechia in Pierre Robin Sequence
    (Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar Üniversitesi, 2015-10-01) Yılmaz, Kahraman Berkhan; Canter, Halil İbrahim; Çakmakçı, Mustafa Engin
    ABSTRACT Development of the human face begins in the fourth week of gestation, as a series of several complicated and well-organized sequential intrauterine events, disruption of which causes some sort of facial dismorhogenesis. Oral synechiae is a rare congenital anomaly usually recognized at birth secondary to airway or nutritional compromise. They help to understand the intrauterine developmental steps of the facial region. In this particular case with congenital palatosubglossal synechia, anterior soft palate of the patient with Pierre Robin sequence was repaired with the oral mucosal flap elevated from the floor of the mouth by using the synechial band as the pedicle of the flap.