Importance of Organizational Ethic Codes About Perceptions of Guilt and Shame: A Study on Health Personnel in Hospitals

dc.contributor.authorLüleci, N. Emel
dc.contributor.authorGemlik, H. Nilay
dc.contributor.authorŞişman, Fatma Ayanoğlu
dc.contributor.authorBektaş, Gülfer
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT Purpose: Today’s competitive environment makes it necessary for enterprises that are engaged in production to proceed not only in the higher quality of service enterprises but also requires effective and efficient operation. It is very important to manage and guide individuals who show different responses in the face of different events in the same direction. At this point, it is very important to emphasize the importance of ethical codes as helpers for organizations. In this context, this research aims to explore the relationship between demographic variables and the health care workers’ guilt and shame scores. Method: In this study, the work experiences of hospital staff were examined in terms of sex, guilt and shame. Analyses were evaluated in SPSS 11.5. According to the research results there is no significant relation between age, gender and marital status associated with guilt and shame. However, the survey tasks show that there is significant relationship between individuals’ guilt and shame scores. Another result of the study is that as the guilt increases, the score for shame decreases. Differences in demographic characteristics in business have created a sense of guilt and shame in reducing the impact of perceptions of organizational ethical codes is of paramount importance. Ethical codes are effective tools to disseminate format standards to all employees in an understandable way. Conclusion: As a result, in an organization usage of effective ethical codes provide resistance to unethical or illegal actions to take place by applying pressure to employees.
dc.publisherAcıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar Üniversitesi
dc.titleImportance of Organizational Ethic Codes About Perceptions of Guilt and Shame: A Study on Health Personnel in Hospitals


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